Hello world!
Hello world!

Hello world!

Several years ago, in a meditation, I was given the word “fear” and a pen. The word “fear” appeared, written in fluorescent light, on the walls of my meditation cave. Just below the word, I found a pen on a narrow shelf of rock.
It’s taken me years to unpack the gift given to me by my subconscious mind that night. Since then, I’ve filled books with my musings and, occasionally shared my thoughts with my Facebook friends. Today, I’m choosing to “go public” with my writing. There is a part of me that is terrified to do this. There is a fear of being judged. There is a fear of being vulnerable. There is a fear of being irrelevant and of no value. Despite all of these fears, I’m here…ready to write. Ready to step into wherever this takes me. And ready to share the musings of my unmedicated mind.

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